Immigration Appeals

Has your visa application been refused? Most of the applicants are given right of appeal unless the type of application they made does not attract appeal rights (such applicants can make an application for Judicial Review if they believe that the decision was incorrect or unfair).
The decision can be challenged by submitting an appeal to the first-tier tribunal Immigration and Asylum Chambers. UKVI will inform the applicants about their decision why they have been refused by a written notice of decision. Applicants can also apply for permission to appeal the decision of the first-tier tribunal if their appeal is dismissed by the first-tier tribunal. In some cases, applicants may be eligible for a reconsideration of the decision.

  • Appeal a decision by the first-tier tribunal Immigration and asylum chamber
  • Appeal a decision by UKVI/Home Office
  • Visa and immigration reconsideration request
  • Request Reconsiderations of Nationality Decisions